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Brand Spanking New Comfort Series covers!

I confess, I’ve never been much of a planner.

Most of my series came about because a) readers browbeat me for more or b) secondary characters decided halfway through the first book that THEY also needed a book. (Hello, Mr. Rubio.) One problem with creating series on the fly is that, in the case of the Comfort series, I had worked with several different cover artists over the years and ended up with several different types of covers.

Then my friend Kate from Bad Star Media suggested re-doing the covers in a more updated, coordinated way. She came back with some mock ups and I loved the feel of them, and I especially loved how they communicated the mood of the stories. (It also helped that she had read the books!)

So I present to you the new Comfort series covers!

click to buy at Amazon      Caressa's Knees 200x300   click to buy at Amazon   Click to buy at Amazon


I’ll keep the previous covers on my Pinterest board for old times’ sake, in case anyone has a particular favorite, but as of now I think I have all the new covers uploaded at the various sites.

And if you’re looking for a professional, creative, enthusiastic cover artist specializing in “fierce covers” and branding for indie authors, shoot Kate an email. You can check out her Bad Star Media website and view her (very competitive) pricing here (click).