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Valentine’s Day Gift Hop!

Welcome, heart hoppers! If you’re here, you probably already know that a huge group of us got together to celebrate love, sex, and all things books in this year’s Valentine’s Day Gift hop from February 10-15! The grand prize is a Kindle Paperwhite and digital new adult romance basket, and every comment on every blog in theContinue reading “Valentine’s Day Gift Hop!”

Snippet Sunday: BOUND IN BLUE (and cover reveal!)

The last few weeks, I’ve been cruelly and sadistically teasing my Twitter and Facebook followers with lurid hints about my upcoming Cirque de Minuit sequel. I’m happy to say it has a title and a cover now, and I think it looks lovely sitting alongside the original book in the series. So here it is: BoundContinue reading “Snippet Sunday: BOUND IN BLUE (and cover reveal!)”

Snapshot Sunday and Cirque de Minuit sequel info

Those of you who follow me on Twitter and Facebook may already know that I’ve started on a sequel to Cirque de Minuit. I’ve always intended to write stories for Jason Beck, Kelsey’s coach, and Michel Lemaitre, the fetish-pervy Cirque owner, culminating in a three-book series. (Maybe four…we’ll see.) My job for the next coupleContinue reading “Snapshot Sunday and Cirque de Minuit sequel info”

Eroticon USA is this weekend!

I’m so excited to be one of the speakers at the first Eroticon conference in the U.S. As part of the online meet n greet, Imma answer these questions for you!: Name: Annabel Joseph Twitter id: @annabeljoseph Where in the world are you? Atlanta, GA What brings you to Eroticon USA? It’s right in my town and I wantedContinue reading “Eroticon USA is this weekend!”

Snippet Sunday: FEVER DREAM and THANK YOU!

Where do I even begin? I am deeply moved by all of your support this week. I had planned this little 99 cent sale of Waking Kiss to celebrate Fever Dream‘s release.  I hoped and prayed the word would get around, but I didn’t want to get my hopes up. Next thing I knew, everyoneContinue reading “Snippet Sunday: FEVER DREAM and THANK YOU!”

Snapshot Sunday, and book release news

For your visual pleasure this week, I thought I’d share the all-new Waking Kiss cover. I did love the previous cover, but it didn’t exactly scream erotic subject matter and I didn’t want readers to be confused. I feel this cover better communicates “erotic romance” and also matches the Fever Dream cover.  Covers are alwaysContinue reading “Snapshot Sunday, and book release news”

Snippet Sunday: FEVER DREAM

Well, it’s getting close enough that I’m going to start teasing you with snippets of my upcoming release, Fever Dream.  Been missing Liam and Ashleigh from Waking Kiss? You’ll definitely see them again, AND you’ll learn much more about our bad boy Rubio, who has some real heart to go along with that libido. ButContinue reading “Snippet Sunday: FEVER DREAM”

Authors After Dark–Friday and Saturday (and Sunday)

So, in case you missed the post about the first two days of AAD, we ended Thursday night with a VERY late Ghost tour. As in, we went to bed at 4 am after much drinking, gabbing, and other shenanigans. Needless to say, I didn’t manage to make it to breakfast Friday morning, but IContinue reading “Authors After Dark–Friday and Saturday (and Sunday)”