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Authors After Dark–Wednesday and Thursday

Well, I decided I could never possibly cram everything that happened at AAD into one huge post. It would explode my computer. So instead, I’m going to make two separate posts and try not to leave anything out. But I might. Because my brain is still kinda tired. So I drove over on Wednesday fromContinue reading “Authors After Dark–Wednesday and Thursday”

Simkin Sunday

Well, y’all, I am back from Authors After Dark in Savannah. I will say that for the moment I am still processing, processing, processing. I am going to write a gargantuan post tomorrow about all the wonderful folks I met, and the crazy, fun experiences I had, but first I need to unpack and SLEEP.Continue reading “Simkin Sunday”

Snapshot Sunday–and some big news

Well, there had to be a bondage photo this week. This photo is from my Hall of Hotness and was created by the inimitable artist MaillerPhong (click to see more of Mailler’s work!). WHY did I have to share a bondage image this week? Because I’m going to be one of the authors in BESTContinue reading “Snapshot Sunday–and some big news”

Snippet Sunday: ODALISQUE

Well, I did Command Performance for the last Snippet Sunday. Now it looks like I’m doing the Comfort series backwards! I was in an Odalisque mood today. One thing I enjoyed about Odalisque was how laid back Constance and Kai were. They had a few big problems, but they didn’t let them get to them,Continue reading “Snippet Sunday: ODALISQUE”

People I hugged when I crashed RWA13 last week…

As many of you know, I live in Ye Olde Atlanta, Georgia, which happened to play host to the Romance Writers of America’s National Conference last week. If you saw all the #RWA13 hashtags on Twitter and Facebook, that’s what that was all about. I didn’t buy a ticket to attend the conference because I’mContinue reading “People I hugged when I crashed RWA13 last week…”

Snapshot Sunday: Foot Fetish

Heh, not THAT kind of foot fetish. I mean, this is Annabel we’re talking about, so they’re a certain kind of feet–BALLET FEET! I would give attribution for this photo but the truth is I found it online years ago and haven’t been able to uncover its origin, even using services like Tin Eye. It’sContinue reading “Snapshot Sunday: Foot Fetish”


I took a little three-day getaway to Daytona Beach Shores with my kids this past week. (Ivan, my husband, had to work.) It was wonderfully sunny, calm, and uncrowded, even with Tropical Storm Chantal bearing down. Beaches and romance seem to go together, but as far as I can remember, I’ve only had one coupleContinue reading “Snippet Sunday: COMMAND PERFORMANCE”

Ghost Walk Signup and other AAD news

Authors After Dark 2013 is getting close! If you’re attending I really, really, REALLY want to meet you, so please don’t be shy. You can find out more about my schedule at Authors After Dark AT THIS LINK (CLICK!!) Also, right NOW we’re signing folks up for the special Annabel Joseph Ghost Tour on ThursdayContinue reading “Ghost Walk Signup and other AAD news”

Snapshot Sunday: Dom-Style Lovin’

Hi everyone! Yes, it’s “snapshot” Sunday, rather than Snippet Sunday. Finding good snippets is fun and I love sharing about my books, but I also love sharing pictures that bemuse or inspire me. To that end, this is the inaugural Snapshot Sunday (**FANFARE!!!!**) and perhaps, going forward, I can alternate between snippets and snapshots. IContinue reading “Snapshot Sunday: Dom-Style Lovin’”

Snippet Sunday: MERCY

I’ve had Mercy on my mind since receiving this really enthusiastic and wonderful review at LipSmackin GoodBooks. There is something about very hardcore sex and very hardcore submission that just does it for me. A lot of readers don’t enjoy it (see Mercy’s Amazon and Goodreads reviews for examples) but I think extreme power exchangeContinue reading “Snippet Sunday: MERCY”

Authors After Dark Ghost Walk News

So, it looks like the AAD organizers have arranged a few ghost walks to take place on Wednesday night, but me and my peeps are still full speed ahead for our more intimate ghost walk on THURSDAY night. We’ll leave the hotel from the Bounce House Carnival and walk over to a nearby square forContinue reading “Authors After Dark Ghost Walk News”

A week and a day: WAKING KISS!

All this time I have been vaguely promising, mid-June, mid-June…you are all so wonderful to put up with me. I can now say with certainty that it will be ready to start uploading on Monday of next week. Yay! The truth is, Waking Kiss is probably the most difficult work I’ve ever fought through andContinue reading “A week and a day: WAKING KISS!”

Snippet Sunday: COMFORT OBJECT

At some point I’m going to have to get organized and keep track of how often I feature a certain book for Snippet Sunday. Looking back, I’ve only featured Comfort Object once, and it’s one of my favorite books.  It’s also one of my earliest books and my first “traditionally” published book. I love going backContinue reading “Snippet Sunday: COMFORT OBJECT”