As many of you know, I live in Ye Olde Atlanta, Georgia, which happened to play host to the Romance Writers of America’s National Conference last week. If you saw all the #RWA13 hashtags on Twitter and Facebook, that’s what that was all about. I didn’t buy a ticket to attend the conference because I’mContinue reading “People I hugged when I crashed RWA13 last week…”
Category Archives: Conferences
Ghost Walk Signup and other AAD news
Authors After Dark 2013 is getting close! If you’re attending I really, really, REALLY want to meet you, so please don’t be shy. You can find out more about my schedule at Authors After Dark AT THIS LINK (CLICK!!) Also, right NOW we’re signing folks up for the special Annabel Joseph Ghost Tour on ThursdayContinue reading “Ghost Walk Signup and other AAD news”
Authors After Dark Ghost Walk News
So, it looks like the AAD organizers have arranged a few ghost walks to take place on Wednesday night, but me and my peeps are still full speed ahead for our more intimate ghost walk on THURSDAY night. We’ll leave the hotel from the Bounce House Carnival and walk over to a nearby square forContinue reading “Authors After Dark Ghost Walk News”
My FROLICON report
As promised, I’m going to tell you all about my trip to Frolicon this year. Frolicon is a sex-positive, kinky, freaky, geeky convention that takes place in Atlanta every spring. I was invited by a former editor to take part in the Author track of the convention and I jumped at the chance. Full disclosure…Continue reading “My FROLICON report”
Headed to FROLICON!
Just a note to my readers–if you’re near the Atlanta area and planning to attend Frolicon this weekend, I’ll be there! Click here to learn more about Frolicon, an Atlanta spring tradition! I told some other local (non-erotic) authors that I was going to Frolicon and I got some scared faces, so I figured itContinue reading “Headed to FROLICON!”
Are you going to Authors After Dark 2013? I’ll be one of the hosts of the Elemental Masque!
I’m getting excited about AAD2013 in Savannah. Apparently they’re already half full, so if you’re thinking about registering, don’t wait! I’m going to be part of the ribbon scavenger hunt, and also this awesome Elemental Masque, a dress up ball themed around the elements (fire, water, air, earth, spirit.) So many great authors are goingContinue reading “Are you going to Authors After Dark 2013? I’ll be one of the hosts of the Elemental Masque!”
I’m going to be at Authors After Dark 2013: Hot Savannah Nights!
I’m so thrilled to be chosen as one of the Featured Authors at Authors After Dark next year! The reason I was trying so hard to be part of Authors After Dark is because it’s capped around 500 attendees, and because the whole point of this convention is to bring authors and readers together. TheyContinue reading “I’m going to be at Authors After Dark 2013: Hot Savannah Nights!”
A long, rambling, but hopefully interesting post about my trip to Chicago
Tired, so tired. But so glad I mustered up my courage and agreed to go to the CARAS conference in Chicago. I wasn’t sure at first. I mean, CARAS is not a big writing or industry conference. It’s a very small conference aimed at psychology types who wish to be more knowledgable about alternative sexualities.Continue reading “A long, rambling, but hopefully interesting post about my trip to Chicago”