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Comfort Object is back in print!

The new re-issue of Comfort Object is finally available on Amazon, All Romance e-books, Smashwords, and

Best of all, it’s only $2.99 at Amazon and Barnes and Noble, and only $3.99 at ARe and Smashwords, so if that high cover price was scaring you off, now’s the time to pick it up and read Jeremy and Nell’s story. You may still get the Loose Id version in your search results so be sure to buy the cheaper one. (They are exactly the same except for the covers.)

A paperback version is also available through Amazon (click). For years readers have been asking for a print copy and I’m happy to offer it now.

Stay tuned to the blog for news on when Odalisque will be available to buy. I am still expecting the book to be available by some point late next week. Spread the word! And thanks for all your support.

One thought on “Comfort Object is back in print!

  1. Off to order Comfort Object from Amazon. Yeah can’t wait for Odalisque, it really sounds beautiful.

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