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Happy Holidays, Happy New Year, and many thanks to all my readers!

I just wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a great holiday and happy New Year. New Years has always been my favorite holiday…it seems like a holiday full of possibilities. It’s a fresh new start! I was delighted when my first daughter was born on New Years Day. It was my favorite holiday years before she was even a twinkle in my eye, but when she arrived on that day (naturally, not scheduled!) I took it as a sign that New Years really was a strangely significant day for me.

With that said, here are my resolutions: Write more wonderful books with lots of sexiness and compelling characters. Participate more in the “game”–get out there and network and talk to prospective readers and other authors. I’m thinking about starting up an email newsletter subscription type thing. What do you all think of author newsletters? Annoying or helpful?

I’m also going to try to get up the courage to query an agent in 2012 about my vanilla stuff. I would love to find a wider audience and maybe even start attending the various romance conventions. At the same time, I plan to continue publishing my kinky stories in 2012, to include Cirque du Minuit.

My personal resolutions are vast and a little scary but I’ll be working on many of those too. Wish me luck!

And thanks to everyone who’s done me the honor of reading one of my books this year. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! Your encouragement is priceless.

May all your dreams for the New Year come true…

3 thoughts on “Happy Holidays, Happy New Year, and many thanks to all my readers!

  1. Sophie and I will be at AAD in New Orleans in August. You should come! It will be a great time!

  2. Oh, I will have to look into that. Sounds fun and I could drive from here. (I hate flying, lol). I think some of the ladies in my romance group might be going. For some reason I thought it was only paranormal but now I see it’s not.

  3. Happy Holidays, Annabel! I like author newsletters, mainly for keeping up to date on new releases. I know I’d miss a lot if it weren’t for newsletters. (I’m very intrigued by your upcoming vanilla stuff!)

    Happy New Year, and good luck on your resolutions!

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