I’ve been soooo busy writing. I’ve been wanting to do some updates but I was kind of in a writing hole. Anyway, I wanted to bring everyone up to speed with what’s coming next from Annabel Joseph!
First of all, I’m planning to release a free read called Molly’s Lips: Club Mephisto Retold. That’s right, totally FREE>>>> Wheee! I’ve been wanting to do a free read for a while to try to bring in some new readers. This seemed like the ideal thing to offer for free since it’s not exactly a new book. Molly’s Lips: Club Mephisto Retold is just what it says…a retelling of my novella Club Mephisto, only this time, instead of being in Molly’s submissive point of view the whole time, we’ll be in Mephisto’s dominant point of view.
Don’t let the “freeness” lower your expectations for the book. I didn’t just churn out something to throw on Amazon for free, I promise. I worked really hard on this book because I think it will be a really special companion piece to the original. I think it will make Club Mephisto seem a lot richer to those who read it and loved it. And being in Mephisto’s head…what can I say? He is a fascinating, wonderful, nurturing and intelligent Master. You’ll learn things Molly had no idea about in the original book, which will be really cool.
And right on the heels of Molly’s Lips, I’ll be releasing Burn For You, my long-promised Club Mephisto sequel. Yay!
The flavor of Burn For You will be much more romantic than its predecessor, but it will seem like a natural progression as life changes for Molly, her Master, and Mephisto. Burn For You is also novel-length, rather than a novella. There’s a lot for them to work out! This book is still in the polishing stage but I hope to have both books available in the late May, early June time frame. Some sizzling summer reading for all my fans!
There’s more to come but I’ll stop here for now. Hope you guys are getting excited for what’s coming up!
okay….suuuper excited. May’s just around the corner. I’m putting those two books into my agenda so I can look forward to them. So many thanks, not just for writing them, but because my Wednesday just went from ‘hm’ to ‘Yeeey!’ in one little second!
You know that I’ve been excited for ages and it’s getting worse by the hour. On the other hand only looking at these gorgeous covers warms the heart! And seen from a philisophical point of view – all this anticipation is really sweet!!! 😉
Ups “philosophical” ,-)
Can’t wait to know what Mephisto was thinking when he was with Molly. Should be a great read !!!! Still waiting for Mason’s book. I think that one is going to be a scorcher!!!!
Thanks guys! And yes, Maddie, I hope Mason’s book will be a scorcher. I’m about to get back to it while I let my first draft of Burn for You sit and stew for a while.