Sale Announcement Sunday

Instead of a snippet this week, I’m sharing some news about next week’s big sale!

In honor of Command Performance‘s release, I’ve decided to hold a flash sale for all four Comfort series books for one day only. From midnight to midnight EST on October 31, Comfort Object, Caressa’s Knees, Odalisque, and Command Performance will be marked down to 99 cents on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Smashwords, and

Since marking them down isn’t an exact science, there might be some leeway sale time before and after, but for sure on October 31, it’s going to be sale time! Think of it as a Halloween Treat for my readers.


I’ll also be posting about the “Wicked Nights Sale” on October 30.


That’s a different sale on several BDSM authors’ books and it runs for two weeks. The book I selected to mark down is Comfort Object, so Jeremy and Nell’s story will be at 99 cents until well into November. Be sure to tell a friend.

Why all the sales? It’s partially guilt. Just a heads up to everyone that starting December 1st, I’ll be raising the price on most of my books from $2.99 to $3.99. This is only on Amazon and Barnes and Noble, since they’ve always been priced at $3.99 at Smashwords and There are several reasons for this, the main one being that I’d like my prices to be similar to the prices of the other authors writing what I write. I think $2.99 can say “novella” to some readers, and “possibly-suspect” to some readers so I think a $3.99 price point will more accurately reflect the length and quality of book the reader can expect.

So, if there are books you’ve been thinking of picking up, you might want to pull the trigger before December 1st! I hope all these sales can get your e-readers charged up with yummy goodies before we head into the hectic holiday season. 🙂

18 thoughts on “Sale Announcement Sunday

  1. It is about time. As one writer to another (my pen name is Elle Chardou), I love your work and think you have been selling yourself cheap for a while now. Your books are too good to be priced at $2.99 but at the same time, as a writer I understand. It is about building a fan base and it is safe to say you have one. Raise your prices, dear. 😉

  2. I totally agree with Elle and Ninakane: Your books are worth far more – especially compared to those of other writers who sell theirs for twice or three times your price, although they aren’t half as good! Looking forward to the 31st !!

  3. Thanks everyone for commenting! You make me feel less guilty. I really was content with my royalties at $2.99 but people were telling me they didn’t buy my books because at $2.99 they thought they were novellas. I think $3.99-$4.99 is the sweet spot for higher-quality indie published romance. 🙂

  4. I’m far from rich but I do not mind paying for books that I enjoy reading…… I’m the one that have the print and ebook versions of my favorite authors.

    So yeah you should ask for more for your books, your worth it…..let the readers know that too. I’m speaking for myself but I would rather spend 7.99 for a book and enjoy it them pay 2.99 and feel like I wasted my money on a badly written book.

  5. SO glad to hear that you’re going to bring your pricing in line with your value! Your books are well-written, professionally edited and professionally formatted on top of being extremely well written to begin with. You shouldn’t feel any guilt about the price increase.

  6. Many thanks to everyone for your votes of confidence. 🙂

    So far no one seems to be sending me any hate mail, lol.

  7. Will Command Performance be available in Kindle in the UK? I really want it but at the momnet I am only buying ebooks.

    1. HI Helen! Yes, it will be available worldwide on Kindle. I’m going to start the upload process shortly, and hopefully it will start showing up on all the various kindle sites by tomorrow. Don’t forget, for the next couple days it will be on sale for just 99 cents. YAY.

  8. Yay! I agree with previous posters that your work is worth more, but we definitely love the prices! Come on midnight!

  9. Just went to Amazon and saw Command Performance but its only being offered in paperback and the link is there to request it ebook format. Is it being released in both formats?

    1. Yes…I upload it everywhere at the same time but it shows up live at different times. It should be there in Ebook later today or tomorrow. That’s why I’m waiting to announce the release until Wednesday…I hope by then it will be live everywhere…

      Good to know the paperback is up and running though!

      1. Yeah! !!!!!!!! I just hope I don’t lose power because of Sandy. Kindled charged. Portable Dvd player charged so I’m all set.

      2. Amazon was actually giving me a hell of a time uploading it but I finally prevailed. It won’t let me change the price on Caressa’s Knees either. I’m banging my head against the wall but I won’t give up, lol. Maybe Hurricane Sandy is messing with their servers or something…

  10. Please, don’t feel guilty! Your work worth more. And buy and import your books is cheaper than buy most of the romances that are released here.

  11. OMG !!!!!!! JUST GOT MY COPY !!!!!!!! I kept looking and looking and then on amazon it said your name then it said the
    “annabel joseph comfort series” …….. and then i found Command Performance (Comfort series) . I couldnt just type your name or the book name in amazon and find it that way (just letting you know ) . omg im so excited yay finally SOMETHING WORTH READING ! 😉 thank you 😉

    1. YAY!

      Yes, sometimes you have to specifically search the Kindle store for my books to come up for some reason? Don’t know why. Maybe it will come up more accurately in the search engine once it’s been out for a while. Thanks for buying my new book! 🙂

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