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Hello dear readers! As you know this is release week for my latest historical, Disciplining the Duchess. The official release date is Feb. 28 but it might be available after Tuesday. It will be available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Smashwords, and All Romance ebooks. Smashwords will also distribute it to places like the AppleContinue reading “Snippet Sunday: DISCIPLINING THE DUCHESS”

The Next Big Thing Bloghop–and DISCIPLINING THE DUCHESS!

I recently learned about the “Next Big Thing” Bloghop from my erotica-writer pal Tasha L. Harrison. (Click here to learn more about Tasha and her work!) The Next Big Thing works like an author chain letter and is basically a way for readers to discover authors new to them. You should check out Tasha–she writesContinue reading “The Next Big Thing Bloghop–and DISCIPLINING THE DUCHESS!”

Snippet Sunday: CARESSA’S KNEES

Well, in honor of my recent mention in Publishers Weekly, I thought I’d highlight a snippet from Caressa’s Knees. I took some time to re-read it this week and it made me think about the little moments that can make a romance or a scene special. I try hard to create those moments in myContinue reading “Snippet Sunday: CARESSA’S KNEES”

Snippet Sunday: WAKING KISS

{NOTE: this work changed significantly in the process and so this scene is no longer in Waking Kiss. You MAY see this scene again in something else, but it ended up not fitting in the flow of the story. I guess that’s part of the danger of sharing pre-publication snippets! Many apologies!} Usually I postContinue reading “Snippet Sunday: WAKING KISS”

Publishers Weekly, baby!

I’m just a little excited about this! Mega-brilliant and best-selling indie author Bella Andre compiled a list of her ten fave romance novels for Valentine’s Day, and guess what’s on the list? Caressa’s Knees! By me! I gotta be honest. I never thought I’d see my name in Publishers Weekly so this is an amazeballsContinue reading “Publishers Weekly, baby!”

Snippet Sunday: FORTUNE

Whenever people ask me my favorite book I’ve written I always say it’s a tie between two of them: Caressa’s Knees and Fortune. I can’t say why those two are my favorites. I wouldn’t classify them as the ultimate best, or ultimate sexiest, or the ultimate in literary prowess. They’re just the two that touchContinue reading “Snippet Sunday: FORTUNE”

Snippet Sunday: The Edge of the Earth

Hey, didja know I write vanilla erotic romance too? Didja? Didja? If you follow my blog you probably do. Actually, I’ve only written one so far, under the pseudonym Molly Joseph, but I plan to write more in the future. To me, it’s all about the alpha male, whether he’s kinky or vanilla. Sometimes aContinue reading “Snippet Sunday: The Edge of the Earth”

Snippet Sunday: Comfort Object

I will always remember Comfort Object as the book that started everything for me. It wasn’t my first book but it was the first book that a publisher picked up. BUT it almost didn’t happen. I am quite sure that if the editor I submitted to wasn’t knowledgeable about the lifestyle, Comfort Object wouldn’t haveContinue reading “Snippet Sunday: Comfort Object”

Happy Naughty New Year! The INSPIRATION edition!

First of all, welcome, Naughty New Years bloghoppers! Hopefully that New Years hangover is gone and you’re ready to kick off another year of reading. To advance that cause: if you leave a comment here you’ll be entered in the overall drawing to win a $100 gift card to EdenFantasys or a digital gift basketContinue reading “Happy Naughty New Year! The INSPIRATION edition!”

Happy Holidays and a Very Happy New Year!

I promise my “Snippet Sundays” will return after the holidays, but in the meantime I wanted to take a moment to wish happy holidays and Happy New Year to my readers. I’ve been so touched by your support and by the friendships I’ve made over the past year. Whether we’ve exchanged posts here on theContinue reading “Happy Holidays and a Very Happy New Year!”

Snippet Sunday: Odalisque

My goodness, I don’t think I’ve featured Odalisque yet in my Snippet Sundays. Odalisque was inspired one day when I was browsing and came across a group devoted to the Code d’Odalisque. Odalisques are female sexual slaves, and I thought if there was ever a great premise for an erotic romance, that was it!Continue reading “Snippet Sunday: Odalisque”

It’s Smutketeers Xmas Day!

Hi everyone! I’m on Smutketeers today for the ANNUAL XMAS BASH and you won’t believe the company I’m in! Kallypso Masters, Tymber Dalton, Cherise Sinclair! YAY! There are tons of giveaways going on at Smutketeers for this event, so be sure to check it out! Just click the banner below!