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I was a guest on The Passion Zone–the topic was Censoring Desires!

[Hi–just editing this to add the link to our discussion! We had a great talk about censorship and the right of readers to fantasize about whatever they WANT!] You can listen to the entire show here. CLICK! I’m sure you all remember Paypal’s attempt to censor erotica, as well as Dr. Drew’s assertion on TheContinue reading “I was a guest on The Passion Zone–the topic was Censoring Desires!”

I’m chatting live at tonight! 9 ET

Yeah! I always love live chats because I love to talk to my readers about what they like about my books, what they don’t like, what’s coming up next. I’ll be at tonight at 9 ET to chat with anyone who shows up. It’s always a fun, active bunch, so don’t feel shy aboutContinue reading “I’m chatting live at tonight! 9 ET”

Cirque du Minuit gets a 5-star rating at The Forbidden Bookshelf!

Many thanks to Diana of The Forbidden Bookshelf for taking the time to read Cirque du Minuit and posting a review at her site, The Forbidden Bookshelf. (Click here to read the full review!) I love this site…they really understand kink and are great about hosting authors for special posts. If you didn’t read myContinue reading “Cirque du Minuit gets a 5-star rating at The Forbidden Bookshelf!”

Cirque du Minuit giveaway and fun post at THE FORBIDDEN BOOKSHELF!

Hi everyone! Just a heads up that I’m guest blogging today at The Forbidden Bookshelf. We were trying to come up with something fun to do, so I decided to interview Kelsey Martin from my most recent release Cirque du Minuit. HA! Me and Kelsey had a lot of fun dishing about love, life, andContinue reading “Cirque du Minuit giveaway and fun post at THE FORBIDDEN BOOKSHELF!”

Cirque du Minuit gets a 10 out of 10 review at BDSM Book Reviews!

I wanted to thank Kirsten at BDSM Book Reviews for taking the time to read Cirque du Minuit and post a review on her site. (I LOVE her site!) Kirsten loved it and gave it perfect marks! Yeah! Click here to read Kirsten’s review. If you haven’t read Cirque du Minuit yet, I hope you’llContinue reading “Cirque du Minuit gets a 10 out of 10 review at BDSM Book Reviews!”

Cirque du Minuit is now available!

Hello patient readers! I’m happy to say that Cirque du Minuit is finally up at just about every outlet. This book is right at 70K words and also includes a short excerpt from Molly’s Lips: Club Mephisto Retold at the end. The kink level in this book is pretty intense but not super intense. IContinue reading “Cirque du Minuit is now available!”

Cirque du Minuit news — and the cover!

Yippee! There is something about having the cover of a book that gets you so excited, and I love this cover, courtesy of my uber talented friend and fellow author Adrienne Wilder. I’m happy to report this book is right on target for a March release. I will aim for early March, so please spreadContinue reading “Cirque du Minuit news — and the cover!”

Nice thoughts on romance and erotica at the “At a Kinky House” blog…featuring Lily Mine!

The lovely Serenity over on At a Kinky House (click) wrote today about her preference for emotional connection in hot sex scenes. I have to say I agree with her totally, and I was really happy she used an excerpt from my book Lily Mine to illustrate her point. The emotional subtext is so importantContinue reading “Nice thoughts on romance and erotica at the “At a Kinky House” blog…featuring Lily Mine!”

Odalisque was nominated for a National Leather Association award

Ooooh, I am way excited. Apparently someone nominated my book Odalisque for an NLA award in fiction. Past recipients of this award have included Anneke Jacob, Jack Rinella, Cecilia Tan, Claire Thompson, and many other excellent writers. It would be so thrilling to win but I’m honored just to be nominated! Keep your fingers crossedContinue reading “Odalisque was nominated for a National Leather Association award”

Happy Holidays, Happy New Year, and many thanks to all my readers!

I just wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a great holiday and happy New Year. New Years has always been my favorite holiday…it seems like a holiday full of possibilities. It’s a fresh new start! I was delighted when my first daughter was born on New Years Day. It was my favorite holidayContinue reading “Happy Holidays, Happy New Year, and many thanks to all my readers!”