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Snippet Sunday: Disciplining the Duchess

Starting next week I’m going to taunt you with snippets from Command Performance, since it comes out at the end of this month. 🙂 But today, since I’ve been on a historical romance reading kick, I’m going to share a snippet from my historical spanking work-in-progress, Disciplining the Duchess. If you like stern, handsome dukesContinue reading “Snippet Sunday: Disciplining the Duchess”

Snippet Sunday: Owning Wednesday

I decided to do Owning Wednesday this week and whoa, nelly. I forgot about the hot, smexy opening scene. The story begins during a threesome between Wednesday, the submissive, Vincent, her Master, and Daniel, another man he’s sharing her with–a man who eventually becomes a very big part of her life. I’ve always thought theContinue reading “Snippet Sunday: Owning Wednesday”

Snippet Sunday: Firebird

Poor Firebird, it’s often lost in the shadow of my other, more controversial ballet-themed book, Mercy, even though Firebird has its own charms. Firebird is a very sweet romance, and it was the first book I wrote that was based on the romance of collaboration. (Cirque du Minuit was another one.) There’s something about workingContinue reading “Snippet Sunday: Firebird”

Are you going to Authors After Dark 2013? I’ll be one of the hosts of the Elemental Masque!

I’m getting excited about AAD2013 in Savannah. Apparently they’re already half full, so if you’re thinking about registering, don’t wait! I’m going to be part of the ribbon scavenger hunt, and also this awesome Elemental Masque, a dress up ball themed around the elements (fire, water, air, earth, spirit.) So many great authors are goingContinue reading “Are you going to Authors After Dark 2013? I’ll be one of the hosts of the Elemental Masque!”

Snippet Sunday: Lily Mine

So here’s the deal… It’s really hard for me to decide what to post when it can only be seventeen sentences long, plus counting sentences is tedious. So I decided I’m just going to post little snippets from my books every Sunday and not bother counting the sentences anymore. Ah, freed from my shackles. SnippetContinue reading “Snippet Sunday: Lily Mine”

Seventeen Sentence Sunday: Molly’s Lips

I was so glad that Amazon finally marked Molly’s Lips: Club Mephisto Retold down to FREE this week! Not sure how long it will stay there but I hope I found some new readers while this novella was climbing the “free” charts. I decided to use it as my Seventeen Sentence Sunday book since I was soContinue reading “Seventeen Sentence Sunday: Molly’s Lips”

Seventeen Sentence Sunday: Command Performance

Here’s another sneak peek from Mason’s story. I’m still tweaking and editing but I hope to have this one out this fall!      “I’m not that innocent.” Her throat was dry, her voice raspy.      Mason chuckled, pulling her close to him. “You keep saying you’re not innocent, but you are.”      “I’ve read dirtyContinue reading “Seventeen Sentence Sunday: Command Performance”

Free Book Friday (all gone)

Howdy everyone. I found four old copies of Cait and the Devil that I’ve never given away because, well, the cover is just so awful. I have three from Createspace and one that’s super old that I think is actually from Ancient. Probably riddled with formatting errors and typos, I’m sad to say. Anyway,Continue reading “Free Book Friday (all gone)”

Seventeen Sentence Sunday: The Edge of the Earth

Well, it’s a book release week so I’m going to do the predictable thing and feature my new book! Here’s the cover…click and you can find the blurb and buy links. As I said in a previous post, it’s vanilla but it’s not tame! In this section of the story, they’re talking about why CharlotteContinue reading “Seventeen Sentence Sunday: The Edge of the Earth”

The Edge of the Earth is now available!

It looks like The Edge of the Earth is finally out there. This book has been a long time coming so it’s a relief to finally have it published. Just to let everyone know…this book is “vanilla” (non-BDSM) but it’s not tame by any means. In fact, I think it’s as intense as some ofContinue reading “The Edge of the Earth is now available!”

Seventeen Sentence Sunday: Cirque du Minuit

This week I’m featuring Cirque du Minuit for Seventeen Sentence Sunday. This is probably among my favorite books I’ve written, in large part because Theo is my dream bad boy. Reckless, sexy, demanding–with a French accent. And of course, the softest heart in the world underneath. Here, he introduces Kelsey to the art of aerial silks.      “ThisContinue reading “Seventeen Sentence Sunday: Cirque du Minuit”

I’m going to be at Authors After Dark 2013: Hot Savannah Nights!

I’m so thrilled to be chosen as one of the Featured Authors at Authors After Dark next year! The reason I was trying so hard to be part of Authors After Dark is because it’s capped around 500 attendees, and because the whole point of this convention is to bring authors and readers together. TheyContinue reading “I’m going to be at Authors After Dark 2013: Hot Savannah Nights!”

Seventeen Sentence Sunday: Deep in the Woods

A wonderful reader wrote to me this past week to tell me how much she loved Dave and Sophie from Deep in the Woods. It makes me so happy when a couple resonates with someone, and so I decided to use DITW as my Seventeen Sentence Sunday book. I’ve always loved this exchange between them:Continue reading “Seventeen Sentence Sunday: Deep in the Woods”

The Command Performance cover is here

Many thanks to cover artist Robin Ludwig for this Command Performance cover. This is Mason’s story, the last book in the Comfort series and boy, is it a roller coaster ride. Here’s the super short blurb: Mason Cooke has it all: fame, wealth, women–and a nagging PR problem. He launches a public campaign to improveContinue reading “The Command Performance cover is here”