Pulled out the pointe shoes…

Today I was in a strange mood and I pulled the pointe shoes out of the back of the closet and prised them onto my feet. They were the last pair I bought before my “retirement”–hardly broken in. They are the same shoes I used on the cover of Mercy, because they were the only thing I kept from my less-than-stellar dance “career”. Sadly, after four pregnancies, my Capezio 7C’s only fit if I wedged them on without tights.

I don’t know why I felt I needed to dance today, such as it was. I haven’t danced in almost twenty years now. I’ve been thinking about Mercy a lot. It’s partly because it’s recently finding a new audience and greater sales. I’m so happy about that, but that’s not the main reason it’s on my mind. I think the real reason is because, like Lucy Merritt, I am struggling to move past a phase of my life that I don’t really want to see go. Not dancing, but something else that has defined me for such a long time. And like Lucy, I’m not handling it very well.

I think part of the power of Mercy is that we’ve all been there, done that. We’ve all had to move past life stages, with varying levels of regret. The hope is that you move on to something bigger or better, or at least different in a positive way. I thought about ordering some 7.5C’s (or, let’s be honest, 8C‘s) to stow in the closet just in case I want to start dancing again someday. But the truth is, my dancing days are over and they should be. Life moves on, and the stage I’m leaving now was fun, just like dancing, but it’s over. I need to turn my energies to finding what’s going to come next.

Still, I enjoyed putting those old shoes on today, like meeting up again with an old friend. Within about fifteen minutes of barre and hopping around blissfully, I had a bitch of a blister on my left big toe. Remember the good, remember the bad, I suppose. I used to have blisters on every toe. When I took the shoes off and started to fuss over my blister, my little dog Walter grabbed one by the ribbons and began to gnaw on the toe box. I could tell by the look in his eyes he was blissfully contemplating how best to systematically destroy that shoe. I thought of pulling it away, and at one time I would have, but instead I let him chew it for a while. Why not? All he managed to do was fray the satin of the toe a little bit. And honestly, I won’t need them again.

And now, because it amuses me, I shall subject you to a lengthy slideshow prominently featuring pointe shoes and my dog Walter.

It is really super hard to take a photo of yourself on pointe. Check out my tattoo. Got it around the time I stopped dancing, LOL.
My dog is like, Okay, start dancing around again so I can chase you and bite your heels, woman.
Believe me, I don't have extremely large feet. I just have an extremely small dog.
Mmmm, satiny goodness...
Matthew doggy: You have to stop dancing. You have to stop! I know it’s hard. I know. But I’ll take care of you, I promise. And I will eat your shoes so you can't dance anyway, no matter how much you want to.
Never fear. I will not rest until I have destroyed this shoe for you.

Please check out my latest interview at Brindle Chase’s blog!

I was very excited to chat with my pal Brindle Chase recently as part of his “Flirtatious Friday” series. Brindle is a great paranormal erotica author with a lot going on over at his site.

Read Brindle’s interview with Annabel here! (click)

He asked some really deep and unusual questions, so it was a really fun interview. I hope you’ll check it out when you have a few minutes.

Fortune receives a perfect 10 rating at BDSM Book Reviews!

Many thanks to Kirsten at BDSM Book Reviews for taking the time to review Fortune. I really value her opinion as she reads from the perspective of someone into BDSM. She gave Fortune a 10 out of 10 overall rating, 5 out of 5 heat level, and 9 out of 10 intensity level.

An excerpt: “The whole set up worked for me. The “vanilla” woman who is really submissive and a touch masochistic but never realized it. Authors have to be careful with that or it doesn’t work. Annabel Joseph made it work. Quite well…

…There is one group scene between friends, an extended version of what happened in the first book. An M/M/f/f scene. And it’s hot. Capital H. Hot.

As for the writing elements: The plot worked. Nicely. The pacing was well done. Prose and dialogue were skillfully woven together. Character development was most excellent.”

Thanks Kirsten! And if you haven’t checked out her BDSM Book Reviews blog yet, click here! She’s got tons of great authors reviewed there including Anneke Jacob, Claire Thompson, Kitty Thomas, Eden Bradley, etc.

Quote of the Day

From Daniel Bergner’s NYT article “What Do Women Want?” January 22, 2009

“So many cultures have quite strict codes governing female sexuality,” [Chivers, the researcher] said. “If that sexuality is relatively passive, then why so many rules to control it? Why is it so frightening?” There was the implication, in her words, that she might never illuminate her subject because she could not even see it, that the data she and her colleagues collect might be deceptive, might represent only the creations of culture, and that her interpretations might be leading away from underlying truth. There was the intimation that, at its core, women’s sexuality might not be passive at all. There was the chance that the long history of fear might have buried the nature of women’s lust too deeply to unearth, to view.

It was possible to imagine, then, that a scientist blinded by staring at red lines on her computer screen, or blinded by peering at any accumulation of data — a scientist contemplating, in darkness, the paradoxes of female desire — would see just as well.”

Firebird is going to PRINT!

Oh you guys! I want to say more and be more eloquent but I think I may pass out. I’m so excited! Loose Id sends very few books to print, so I’m freaking out here.

Firebird will be available in a print version in the next 2-3 months or so!

All I can say is that I am so, so, SO appreciative of everyone who’s taken the time to post reviews and comments, or told friends to read my books so I could achieve the sales to get to this point. It’s great to be e-published, but there’s just something about holding a copy of your book in your hand…or being able to show it to people. Well…people who wouldn’t be scandalized by the content. LOL. Although I suppose now some trees will have to die. Hmm. Oh Well!!

Thanks everyone for your readership and support. I’ll be sure to post when the print version is actually available.

Fortune is a Blackraven’s Reviews Recommended Read!

Many thanks to Lea of Blackraven’s Reviews for a release day review of Fortune–and it’s a 5-“raven” review! In fact, it’s a Recommended Read!

You can read Lea’s review of Fortune here (click!)

A short excerpt: “In Fortune, Annabel Joseph has once again written an outstanding story of the sometimes arduous journey toward learning enough about ourselves to be ready to offer another our love and commitment. Not only are the characters rich and real in this story, but the plot resonates and rings true for any who have struggled to find their way.”

Thanks so much for taking the time to post a review, Lea. And be sure to poke around the Blackraven’s Review site and see their new updated look.

Firebird gets a 5-star review at The Romance Reviews!

Many thanks to Michelle R. of The Romance Reviews for her very insightful review of Firebird. I was glad she enjoyed it enough to give it five stars! If you haven’t visited this great new review site yet, check it out. It’s very interactive with lots of reviews and information.

You can read Michelle’s review here (Click!)

A little excerpt:

“Oh baby! This is what happens when extreme talent writes a beautifully, erotic romance. A story of a ballerina and her choreographer, Firebird read like a ballet in itself- sweet and graceful at times, but mysterious and tension filled at others…Aside from the inner struggle for each of them to overcome their past hang-ups so they can find their HEA in each other’s arms, there is a side plot of jealousy. Jealous prima ballerinas angry over their dismissal and jealous potential lovers who wait in the wings hoping the two won’t survive. It all wove together for me to create a complex and beautiful love story.”

Thanks Michelle! And be sure to check out TRR soon!

Four days to FORTUNE! and other news

I am so excited that it’s almost time for Fortune to come out. Four more days! If you read Deep in the Woods, you are already well aware of the yumminess that is Ryan. When I decided to give him his own story I had no idea where he would take me, but it was almost…magical how things turned out. I hope you’ll pick it up at Ellorascave.com on Friday. If you click the cover below, you can read the blurb and excerpt.

In other news, I’m doing the first rounds of edits on my regency BDSM romance, Lily Mine. It’s definitely a departure from my usual contemporary romance stories, but I really love Lord Ashbourne and Lily’s story and I hope you’ll enjoy it when I’ve finally got it ready for release.

I’m also surging forward on Caressa’s Knees. I have to thank my reader “Miri” for suggesting I tell Kyle’s story (ya know, KYLE from Comfort Object! YEAH!) I never really thought about how much he had to offer as a matured heroic protagonist. So far the book is shaping up to be super hot and also super emotional. I’m only two or three chapters in so it will be a while, but that’s what I’m up to.

Thanks everyone, for all your support!

I’m in the AUTHOR SPOTLIGHT at Whipped Cream this week!

Please stop by Whipped Cream Erotic Reviews this week. I’m in the author spotlight, guest-blogging and participating in a book giveaway. Just leave a comment on one of my posts to be entered to win a copy of either Comfort Object, Firebird, or Deep in the Woods.

CLICK HERE to find the Author Spotlight page!!

Whipped Cream Erotic Reviews is a great site with lots going on, so be sure to click around for a while and see all they have to offer.

Crane count: zero

Okay, my darlings. Sometimes life does not go as planned. Due to marital discord, the crane project has been scrapped. When you read the book, you’ll understand how ironic this is, but in the meantime, I can’t believe it’s ONLY TEN DAYS until Fortune is released at Ellora’s Cave!

Please click the book cover to read the blurb and excerpt at the Jasmine Jade/Ellora’s Cave site.

Mercy and Cait and the Devil–now available on Kindle for $2.99

I am happy to announce that both Mercy and Cait and the Devil are available at Amazon.com for the low, low price of just $2.99! I’m very proud of both books and since they are self-published, I’ve been able to re-release them on Kindle for this great price in re-edited and improved editions.

Mercy is a contemporary BDSM story about a dancer’s romance with a wealthy company patron. It’s pretty strong on the BDSM meter, and the emotional quotient is pretty intense at times, but nothing my regular readers can’t handle. 🙂

Mercy was actually reviewed just this week at Dark Diva Reviews, if you’d like to check it out!

The other book, Cait and the Devil is a sort of BDSM historical fantasy. Yes, of course they didn’t have BDSM back then, but a girl can make believe, can’t she? It’s a story very near and dear to my heart, and I hope you’ll consider giving it a try.

Cause it’s only $2.99! BARGAIN!

Thanks everyone, for your continued support. I appreciate it so much!

Deep in the Woods won Whipped Cream’s Book of the Week!

Yeah, I’m so happy! Deep in the Woods was up for book of the week at Whipped Cream Erotic Reviews, and it won! It was reviewed by Mistletoe last week and received 4.5 cherries out of 5.

You can read the review here (click)

A little excerpt from Mistletoe’s review:

“This story was a very intense read full of emotion and depth. From the first time Dave sees Sophie he knows that he must meet her, but Sophie is just coming off of an abusive relationship and is very wary about men. As Dave and Sophie begin a tentative relationship the reader is treated to an interesting read. The love that the two feel for each other shines right off of the pages.”

Big thanks to Whipped Cream/The Long and Short of It Reviews. It is one of my fave review sites!

Firebird is a Blackraven’s Reviews Recommended Read!

I have to thank Lace at Blackraven’s Reviews for her review of Firebird. She gave the book 5 Ravens and a Recommended Review designation. Yeah!

You can read the review here. (click!)

A short excerpt:

“Firebird is a stunning BDSM, but to this reviewer, it is a story with a backdrop of true heart. Annabel Joseph has mastered the technique of a true BDSM, D/s relationship.

My pulse raced when Jackson first took Prosper to that special place only a great Dom can. The story moved so well, I was able to keep my place. I felt all the amazing scenes as if I were there. Ms. Joseph’s talent for capturing the reader along with the scene blows me away.”

I am so glad you enjoyed it, Lace! Thanks for taking the time to post your review.